
作者: 阮一峰

日期: 2007年4月26日




35岁的James Kim带着妻子和两个女儿----一个4岁,另一个7个月----离开旧金山,开车前往西雅图的叔叔家,一起过感恩节假期。他是一个网站编辑。


James Kim一家离开西雅图,前往俄勒冈州的波特兰看望朋友。


James Kim一家离开波特兰,准备返回旧金山,迎接即将开始的新的一周。



James Kim开车迷路,遭遇了大雪。.


凌晨2点,Jame Kim一家被困在了大雪中。


James Kim的同事向旧金山警察局报案,James Kim失踪。


俄勒冈州警察局出动大量人手,沿着各条高速公路寻找James Kim。


《俄勒冈人报》(The Oregonian)以《一个家庭在旅途中失踪》(On the road, a family vanishes)为题,报道了这件事。

Two weeks ago, James and Kati Kim of San Francisco loaded their two children into the car and drove to the Northwest for Thanksgiving.

两周前,旧金山的James Kim和Kati Kim夫妇带着两个孩子,开车去西雅图过感恩节。

They spent the holiday with family in Seattle and then headed to Portland to visit friends. Their next stop was to be a hotel in Gold Beach on the Southern Oregon Coast before returning home.


They never made it. No one has heard from the Kims for a week.



《俄勒冈人报》的消息《救援人员发现了母亲和孩子,父亲依然下落不明》(Rescuers find mom, kids, but not dad)。

A private rescue helicopter Monday plucked a California woman and her two young daughters from a snowy mountain road where they were stranded for nine days, spurring a frantic search into the night for her husband.


Kati Kim, and her two daughters were in good condition, smiling and waving when she arrived at Three Rivers Community Hospital in Grants Pass.

Kati Kim和她的两个女儿,目前身体状况良好。当抵达医院的时候,她笑着向人们挥手。

The discovery narrowed the search for James Kim, who left for help Saturday and faces his third night alone in below-freezing temperatures in a little traveled 3,500-foot mountain pass of the Siskiyou National Forest.

这个发现进一步缩小了搜寻James Kim的范围,他在星期六离开了妻子和女儿,独自去寻找救援。昨晚是他独自在野外的第三个夜晚,当地是海拔3500英尺以上的山区,气温在零度以下,人迹罕至。


《俄勒冈人报》的消息《新的队伍加入搜寻Kim》(Fresh teams press search for Kim)。

Fresh search teams are joining the hunt this morning for a San Francisco man who set out on foot Saturday to find help for his stranded family in the snowy Oregon Coast Range.

今天早上,新的救援队伍加入寻找一个名叫James Kim的旧金山人。上周六,他离开困在山区的他的家庭,独自去寻找救援。

Searchers tracking a creek in a steep canyon found a pair of gray pants Tuesday they think belonged to James Kim, 35, but his family said he was wearing them over a pair of jeans.

星期二,救援人员在一座陡峭的峡谷中,沿着溪流,发现了一条灰色的裤子。他们认为这条裤子属于35岁的James Kim。但是,他的家人说James Kim穿的是一条牛仔库。

Searchers combing a cold, rugged canyon for the father of two missing for 12 days planned to lower a rescuer into a chasm today to examine something else he may have left behind.

救援人员正在地毯式搜索一座冰冷崎岖的峡谷,希望找到这个失踪了12天的父亲。今天,他们计划派一个人爬到一道隙缝中,检查可能是James Kim留下的某样东西。


《俄勒冈人报》的报道《失踪的父亲的尸体被发现》(Missing dad's body found)。

The search for the missing San Francisco father lost in the Southern Oregon woods for 12 days came to an end at 12:03 p.m. Wednesday when his body was spotted at the bottom of a rugged canyon in the Siskiyou National Forest, a half mile from the Rogue River.


Searchers had hoped for a better outcome because of the pattern of clothes James Kim had left in his five-mile scramble down Big Windy Creek, a drainage that flows into the Rogue.

救援人员一度希望会出现更好的结局。因为James Kim在长达5英里的爬行中,将他的衣服一块块地留在了大风溪中。这条溪水是Rogue河的一个支流。

Authorities don't know how or when Kim died but planned an autopsy Wednesday night. The results would be made public today.

当局还不知道James Kim具体的死亡时间和原因,但是计划在星期三晚上进行验尸。结果将在今天公布。


《俄勒冈人报》的消息《Kim可能死于尸体发现的2天前》(Kim likely dead 2 days before body found)。

星期四,主持验尸的医生说,旧金山男子James Kim可能死于尸体被发现的2天前,死因是体温过低。他的家庭被困在俄勒冈南部的森林中,他独自外出寻求帮助。

Deputy state medical examiner Dr. James Olson thinks 35-year-old James Kim probably died two days after he left his wife and two young daughters Saturday to find help.

俄勒冈州法医James Olson医生认为,35岁的James Kim可能在离开她的妻子和孩子去寻求帮助的2天后死亡。

"But that's only an educated guess, given the conditions and how much exertion he put on his body to get through treacherous conditions," Olson said. "It's possible that we'll never know exactly when he died."



《俄勒冈人报》的报道《焦急的七天,搜救行动记录》(On the trail, for seven anxious days),记录了当地警察局长在希望和痛苦中度过的过去一周。


《俄勒冈人报》的报道《美国土地管理局间接导致James Kim之死》(BLM left gate open on road to Kims' fate),称James Kim迷路的那条公路的入口原本应该被封闭,但美国土地管理局的工作人员的失职使得这条公路依然可以进入。


《俄勒冈人报》的报道《混乱的搜救》(Confusion hampered search for Kims),称搜救James Kim一家的过程中,各个机构协调不力、通讯不畅,严重阻碍了搜救进程。


《俄勒冈人报》的报道《无线通讯记录被忽略了》(Cell phone location tip for Kims not heeded),称在James Kim的尸体被找到两天前,一个当地无通信公司的雇员向警察局提供的线索没有获得重视。


普利策奖评选委员会宣布,将本年度突发新闻奖授予《俄勒冈人报》,表彰其"对一个失踪家庭的充满技巧和坚持不懈的报道,将这个悲剧故事同时展现在平面媒体和互联网上"(skillful and tenacious coverage of a family missing in the Oregon mountains, telling the tragic story both in print and online)。


1. 《俄勒冈人报》专题网页

2. James Kim迷路的路线




