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Friday, December 23, 2005 | 分类:目录 -> 其他


One of the questions in the survey asked people if they suffered from headaches, sleeplessness, worries, loneliness, etc.-- since people who do consider themselves less happy than those won don't. Married women who do not work are much more likely to have these kinds of symptoms," the book says. "Employed wives are less anxious and worried, and less likely to feel worthless than housewives."



Despite widespread belief that the middle years are the happiest, the survey says this isn't so. Nor does old age inevitably mean the onset of unhappiness.
An intriguing sidelight of the survey is the discovery that people become gradually less happy with the state of their health from age 20 to age 45, but then things level off. "From the age of 45 on, people do not report any noticeable change in the extent to which health is a problem or a source of unhappiness."

As might be expected, major factors contributing to unhappiness in old age are reduced income, loss of a spouse, and the boredom of retirement. Yet, on the whole, "the reported happiness levels of people in the later years, including a great many who have retired, is no lower than in any other group." In fact, older people are more likely to say that they are very happy than any other age group in the survey.



A large part of the influence of money and education on happiness derives from one's original expectations. If you thought you'd earn a lot, and did, you may have a "so what?" attitude. But if your expectations have been overfulfilled, the happiness that comes from getting more than you thought you would get can be quite pronounced. "The happiness that comes from getting more than you thought you would get can be quite pronounced. "The happiest groups were those with little education who earned a lot; while the highly educated who earned a lot were not so well off psychologically."



Satisfaction with your work is more important element of happiness than anything except love and marriage, the survey makes clear. Ranking various occupations by the happiness of the workers revealed that clerks were at the bottom of the the range, secretaries and blue-collar workers came next, the architects, college professors, nurses and managers. And at the top of the contentment scale came clergymen, psychologists and entertainers.
"One of the enigmas of this survey," Freedman writes, "is that lawyers and, even more so, doctors, rated themselves as relatively unhappy."



Although the key to happiness does not lie in one's childhood experiences, it does seem to be associated with a child's relationship with the same-sex parent and with childhood guilt -- "two factors from early life closely related to adult unhappiness."



To love and be loved in return. To have enough money, but not necessarily a great deal. To have meaning and direction in life, and a sense of control over it. To have received more from life than you expected.


Posted by Ruan YiFeng at December 23, 2005 09:47 PM | 返回首页



Posted by: 佳佳 at December 26, 2005 11:55 AM


Posted by: Ruan YiFeng at December 26, 2005 10:24 PM

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