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Thursday, December 22, 2005 | 分类:目录 -> 其他




首先,文章说哥伦比亚大学的心理学教授Jonathan Freedman做了一个关于幸福的问卷调查,下面是一些调查结果。


People see love as the key to happiness. Those who love and are loved in return are happier than others. Great prosperity, a high-status job, health, personal attractiveness, marriage, even sex -- none of these make up for a lack of love. "You can be happy without a good sex life, and you can have a good sex life and be unhappy." Freedman point out, though sex is an important element in happiness for most people.



Being married makes happiness easier, even in an age of widespread divorce. "Despite changing attitudes toward marriage and the incredible high divorce rate," says Freedman, "a vast majority of our population seem to find happiness in marriage and to be unhappy if they remain single too long."



Single men and women are generally less happy than married ones. Still, the questionnaire replies revealed sharp differences between the sexes. After age 40, the "happiness gap" between single and married men seems to disappear, while it increases between single and married women. For many reasons, life seems particularly hard for single women as they age.



Those who are divorced are much less happy than those who maintain a central love relationship. So it comes as no surprise that most who get divorced eventually remarry. And those who do get married again, the survey indicates, are much better off than those who do not.

Second marriages have at least as much potential for happiness as first ones. "One failure, one poor choice, one relationship that does not work out, may cause considerable unhappiness, but it does not seem to reduce one's chance for finding happiness in marriage or in general." In fact, survey results indicate that for men the second marriage is happier than the first. Unfortunately, women, on average, are slightly less happy in a second marriage.


Posted by Ruan YiFeng at December 22, 2005 01:44 AM | 返回首页


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