这几天,我在重看《喧哗与骚动》(Sound and Fury)中昆丁自杀的那一章。
Pretty soon the car came. I got on it, they turning to look at my eye, and found a seat on the left side.
The lights were on in the car, so while we ran between trees I couldn't see anything except my own face and a woman across the aisle with a hat sitting right on top of her head, with a broken feather in it, but when we ran out of the trees I could see the twilight again, that quality of light as if time really had stopped for a while, with the sun hanging just under the horizon, and then we passed the marquee where the old man had been eating out of the sack, and the road going on under the twilight, into twilight and the sense of water peaceful and swift beyond.
Then the car went on, the draft building steadily up in the open door until it was drawing steadily through the car with the odor of summer and darkness except honeysuckle.
Honeysuckle was the saddest odor of all, I think.
I remember lots of them. Wistaria was one.
On the rainy days when Mother wasn't feeling quite bad enough to stay away from the windows we used to play under it.
When Mother stayed in bed Dilsey would put old clothes on us and let us go out in the rain because she said rain never hurt young folks.
But if Mother was up we always began by playing on the porch until she said we were making too much noise, then we went out and played under the wisteria frame.
This was where I saw the river for the last time this morning, about here.
I could feel water beyond the twilight, smell.
When it bloomed in the spring and it rained the smell was everywhere you didn't notice it so much at other times but when it rained the smell began to come into the house at twilight either it would rain more at twilight or there was something in the light itself but it always smelled strongest then until I would lie in bed thinking when will it stop when will it stop.
The draft in the door smelled of water, a damp steady breath.
Sometimes I could put myself to sleep saying that over and over until after the honeysuckle got all mixed up in it the whole thing came to symbolis night and unrest I seemed to be lying neither asleep nor awake looking down a long corridor of gray halflight where all stable things had become shadowy paradoxical all I had done shadows all I had felt suffered taking visible form antic and perverse mocking without relevance inherent themselves with the denial of the significance they should have affirmed thinking I was I was not who was not was not who.
I could smell the curves of the river beyond the dusk and I saw the last light supine and tranquil upon tideflats like pieces of broken mirror, then beyond them lights began in the pale clear air, trembling a little like butterflies hovering a long way off.
The car stopped.
I got out, with them looking at my eye.
When the trolley came it was full.
I stopped on the back platform.
"Seats up front," the conductor said.
I looked into the car. There were no seats on the left side.
"I'm not going far," I said. "I'll just stand here."
We crossed the river.
The bridge, that is, arching slow and high into space, between silence and nothingness where lights-- yellow and red and green--trembled in the clear air, repeating themselves.
"Better go up front and get a seat," the conductor said.
"I get off pretty soon," I said. "A couple of blocks."
heracles 说:
2006年8月11日 19:06 | # | 引用
stardust 说:
我也是几年前看这本书的 --- 没有完全看懂,是囫囵吞枣地看的,但看完后仍然十分叹服。我最喜欢的好像是班吉那一章。你提的几个问题,我想会不会是因为昆丁并不是福克纳的自传式人物,所以不必与他个人十分相似。让昆丁上哈佛,把他放在波士顿,大概都是出于塑造人物的需要 --- 要说得再深入,就只有把这本书重看一遍才有可能了,呵呵。
记得以前看过的一本书里,说昆丁其实是有乱伦的想法的,所以才会为了妹妹的失身而自杀,只是他不敢对自己承认。他数次想到“忍冬”(也就是金银花 --- 那种成对开放的花),就是这种潜意识的反映。
2006年8月11日 22:46 | # | 引用
Ruan YiFeng 说:
2006年8月12日 20:56 | # | 引用
Amanda 说:
2006年8月24日 10:14 | # | 引用
Ruan YiFeng 说:
2006年8月24日 20:50 | # | 引用
LuciferByron 说:
2007年12月29日 21:35 | # | 引用
danlehong 说:
2011年4月17日 22:59 | # | 引用